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Playing musical blogs

13 Oct

Well, it’s very possible that this will be my last entry here for a few months. I’m jumping ship for a while to TravelPod, a travel blogging service where I hope to be documenting our forthcoming trip around Australia and New Zealand, and I do hope you’ll join me there:

I may or may not have a chance to make a final entry here looking back on the past three years and this beautiful chapter in our lives, and I haven’t quite decided whether I want to do any such thing (as you might have gathered from a couple of posts ago). My next post could simply be ‘hello Manchester, we’re here!’ and  take it from there.

But either way, do visit my travel blog and follow us on our travels, it’s going to be SO MUCH FUN!!

Feathers no more

21 Sep

I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the passing of…a pigeon. In an unfortunate turn of events, my second attempt at driving resulted in the demise of said winged creature, presumably because I snuck up on it at a crawling pace as it was crossing the street minding its own business and didn’t see me coming…. My yelling ‘what do I do, what do I do?!?!’ at Marc whilst vaguely remembering one shouldn’t swerve for wildlife (do pigeons count in this scenario though??) didn’t really get me anywhere and we watched in faint surprise as it disappeared under the bonnet and….we felt nothing (physically! emotionally I was worrying very hard). Unsurprisingly, Feathers was no match for our giant vehicle so his shaking off of his mortal coil didn’t even register as a faint bump…RIP Feathers.

But let’s look on the upside, I drove around the streets of Fitzroy and Northcote without hurting anyone human, without causing damage, and only mildly pissing off a few other drivers. Parking is kind of a disaster though, we’ll tackle that a bit more next time round or we’ll forever be stopping by the side of the road for Marc to get back in to the driver’s seat to park….

Lotte, of course, slept through the whole thing again. This is a bit of a pattern as we appear to be dealing with a slightly late 18 month sleep regression that involves refusing day naps, refusing going to bed and waking up at three or four and refusing to go back to sleep after that. Who took our baby and replaced her with this little night owl???!! I don’t like to turn to Dr Google too often, as generally I get far more conflicting information than anything useful, but on this point, apparently, the whole internet seems to agree: the 18 month sleep regression is a thing, it’s awful, and there’s not much you can do other than try to survive it. We were apparently lucky not to have to deal with a 4, 8 or 10 month regression so, should count ourselves lucky?

Only 2-6 weeks apparently….we’re assured we will get our baby back…we’re trying hard to believe….

PS – Marc was quick to point out he’s never killed anything with a car….like this is somehow a reflection on my novicehood – I’d be keen to hear whether being a relative beginner increases your chances of committing birdicide – any stats on this out there?